This video, presented and awarded at the ESCRS in Wien, shows different lamellar...
Awarded at ESCRS in Paris 2020 This lecture gives a large overview of...
Personal technique for IPCL phakic IOL in high myopia
VJCRS - Vol. XXXIV A case of cataract with previous iridectomy due to...
This presentation regards the history of modern cataract surgery and phaco in Germany...
Two weeks after Lasik surgery the patient received a trauma on the eye...
This very old video shows the original technique by dr. Lucio Buratto called...
The surgery starts with docking and the IFS treatment. After that, there are...
The video shows the Visian ICL charging in the injector. ICL implantation through...
Lasik is a critical surgery when the eye had already radial keratotomy. The...