A series of cataract cases edited by Joaquín Barraquer in 1960, showing the...
A case of a crystalline lens spontaneously luxated into the vitreous chamber causing...
Introduzione: L. Buratto Moderatore: R. Packard Panel: A. Assaf, S. Canabrava, C. Carlevale,...
J Güell, MD Panel: J. Aramberri, T. Kohnen, A. Mularoni
VJCRS - Volume 35 issue 2 - 2019 - Video Journal of Cataract,...
In this video the surgeon shows as to position two capsule tension rings...
Massive sub luxation of the crystalline lens into the vitreous chamber. OVD injection...
Surgeon perform an intracapsular extraction of a subluxated cataract (with a handle) and...
The Bioptic technique consist in two refractive procedures to correct a high refractive...
Limbal incision, Synechiaes' removal double capsulorhexis after 4 iris hook positioning; tripan blue,...