This video Shows the management of ectopia lentis in a patient with Marfan syndrome. The patient was single eyed. Her other eye was lost after unsuccessful cataract surgery done elsewhere. The preoperative corrected visual acuity was very poor (0.05, decimal scale) due to high myopia and lenticular astigmatism. Iris hooks were applied to shift the pupil over the decentered crystalline lens. This was followed by puncturing the anterior capsule with a 27G needle and rhexis formation using micro-rhexis forceps. Lensectomy was performed while keeping the lens capsule intact. The next step was the removal of the lens capsule as one mass and fixing a three-piece IOL to the sclera using the Yamane technique. There was no vitreous loss, so no vitrectomy was done for this case. The advantages of this technique are; no need for CTR/CTS, no sutures, and probably technically easier. The only disadvantage is the inability to implant a toric IOL, as these lenses are available in a single piece format.